RG Scholarships

How to make your scholarship application stand out

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Thanks to Covid-19, the opportunities for extracurricular activities, job shadowing and volunteering are limited but, as anyone applying for a scholarship knows, it is still important to stand out from the crowd. During such a challenging time worldwide, the question for most students is: how? 

“It’s a very timely question,” says Nikkita Scott, the director of Counselling and Student Activities and Financial Support Services at the Bermuda College. She offers some advice on how students can give themselves the best chance at being offered a scholarship: 

1.Continue to focus on academics 

It is important that students work hard and get the best grades possible, even if they are doing their studies remotely. 

2. Look for volunteer opportunities that can be from a distance 

“Why not reach out to Keep Bermuda Beautiful and do a beach clean-up within your pod?” says Ms Scott. “This shows initiative, coordination skills, leadership and community engagement.” She encourages students to first consider what they are passionate about and what skill sets they want to highlight – and then reach out to appropriate organisations to ask how they can work together safely. 

3. Get involved in sponsored virtual walks, competitions or fundraisers 

“If you’re good with technology, or vulnerable, perhaps you can coordinate the digital side of this effort. Do a film clip or write a newsletter to show what your group accomplished,” says Ms Scott. “There are still ways to showcase who you are and the impact you’re having on the community during this time.” 

4. Offer online support to classmates 

Especially if you are excelling in a particular subject, why not reach out to your peers to see who needs help? “This is another way to show leadership and be of service,” says Ms Scott. 

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