
What to do and what not to do

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Obtaining finances to further your education can seem like a daunting task. Besides tuition, there is room, board, textbooks, supplies, lab fees and travel expenses to think of – and that’s just the basics. While college and university can be expensive, however, the issue is not insurmountable. Scholarships, grants and awards can help navigate the rough waters of financial need to take your next steps. 

With this simple list of dos and don’ts when applying for an award, you can increase your chances of finding a way to realise your dreams. This is how you can stay on task and get started today! 


Get organised. Use the tools and tips available on to help keep yourself ready to apply for the awards that apply to you. This will prevent certain tasks, deadlines, and documents from falling through the cracks. 


Your research. Only add the awards you are eligible for to your list. You can cast a wider net by applying for scholarships that relate to your academic and extracurricular activities. 


Be professional and personal. When it comes to your essay, put careful time and effort into sharing your interests, hard work and sharing about yourself. It should express maturity, depth and your personality: someone who has worked hard to get to this point and is ready to take the next step. 


Work smarter, not harder. When it comes to award applications, some documents and information are used repeatedly. Putting clear thoughts in writing can save you some time when it comes to your essays and other portions of your applications. You can even use certain passages from your resume and/or old essays that described you well to build a new essay. Take yourself seriously and respect an organisation’s time while saving some yourself. 


Be bold. Searching for awards that apply might feel like an uphill task, but this is a numbers game. Apply to all the awards that you fit the parameters for. Every little bit helps, and you never know how many you’re going to get! Also, there are resources available through the site even if you aren’t Bermudian or a PRC holder, so there’s no excuse not to go for it. 


Start early. You can be a freshman in high school and start the process to getting an award. Go get your proof of status out of the way. Start researching where you can spend your community service hours. Small tasks can make a big difference in the long run. 


Pay attention to deadlines. While the award provider won’t see your application until after the award deadline, it’s smart to get it in as early as possible. allows you to submit an application, and then recall it and resubmit it if you need to make changes or additions. As long as you meet the final deadline, you have a chance, so don’t miss it! 


Proofread and edit. In addition to taking the time to look over your own application, take the time to get feedback from peers and mentors as well. Fresh eyes can help spot any errors you may have made, and they can provide insight into how to improve your application. 


Practise. This is key when it comes to the interview portion of the application process. Research the organisation who is offering the award. Let your passion and personality show during the interview. Practise common questions asked. Talk to previous winners to find out how you can better yourself and what the organization is looking for. Many tools make an efficient toolbelt! 


Wait to the last minute. Procrastination is your biggest enemy. It happens to the best of us:we mean to do something and then our plate piles up and we’re scrambling the night before. This won’t work here. Get as much out of the way as you can. 


Pick just anyone as a reference. Choose the best person to write your academic and personal letters of recommendation. Their influence can make a crucial difference in your application. Ensure your letter writer is someone who knows you well and can produce a compelling case on your behalf. 


Only go for the biggest awards. It doesn’t matter how large an award may be, it is worth considering. 

Don’t discount a scholarship that’s only a couple of thousand dollars. There will be many more applicants for the larger awards, and your chances are increased with the more you apply for. Besides, a lot of smaller awards can add up and meet your needs. You never know! 


Wait until your senior year. Junior year is a great time to start award hunting. While you can start your journey at any time, it would be good to put in some effort so that when you really need to apply, you’ll be more comfortable with the process. 


Be cliché. The award application process is designed to make yourself stand out. You must show what makes you unique and why choosing you as a candidate would matter to Bermuda. It may be uncomfortable to toot your own horn, but be honest and take pride in your journey to date. 


Focus too much on grades. While your academic history is part of who you are as a person, it’s just that: a part. Don’t forget to include volunteering, work experience or social activities relevant to your desired career or degree. This makes you a well-rounded applicant: the very things that may make you stand out. 


Forget to use the resources available to you. is the premier resource for finding scholastic awards in Bermuda. They also list other funding resources, have a FAQ sections, post jobs available and more. While it’s a fantastic place to start, be sure to look into what other sites may be of benefit to you. 

Sources include the National Society of High School Scholars; College Raptor; Your Bristol Story; The University of Sunderland website. 

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