Home & Living

DIY Upgrade: Home Office Ideas

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Since the Covid-19 pandemic, especially in the early days, most of us had to drastically adjust how we lived our lives especially how and where we worked! Suddenly, we found ourselves leaving the office and setting up a workstation on the kitchen counter, dining room table, or any available scrap of real estate. Over time, as we realized working from home may be continuing for a while, we made adjustments to create a space that was more functional and attractive.

Having a home office doesn’t mean you need an extra room in the house. Sure, it’s nice if you have the space but you can carve out a well-organized and stylish area in almost any quiet corner.

First, find a spot that doesn’t have a lot of foot traffic so you can concentrate and the rest of the household can go about their business as usual. After all, you don’t want them in your Zoom call just as much as they don’t want to be in it! If you have an extra closet, clear it out and set up a desk with a nice lamp, a filing cabinet and computer.

Can’t spare the storage space?

Tuck a space away in the corner of the dining room, which you most likely only use for meals after the workday is done. Avoid working in the bedroom (you want to keep that space as restful and stress free as possible) and in the living room which can be the centre of your family activities.

One of the easiest ways to keep focused is by being organized. It may be hard to get excited about work on some days but having pretty stationary, attractive filing folders and a pretty stapler will help you get motivated. If you are incorporating a work space into a room in your home, make it an attractive part of the design.

Think about lighting.

If you can set up a desk by the window and enjoy the positive energy that sunlight brings – great! If not, make sure you have sufficient lighting so you don’t strain your eyes while working during the day. Pick a warm light and make sure to use a screen protector if your day includes long stretches at the computer.

Add a plant! Since we are surrounded by nature, green is a naturally soothing colour to us. A pretty pot will give your workspace visual interest.

It’s no secret colour has a huge effect on our mood.

If painting the walls is in your plan (and budget) choose soft shades like moody blues with grey undertones, rich navy, sage green, or warm grey. Stay away from bold shades like red, orange, or yellow – they are too high energy for a long term work space.

Finally, remember to schedule your work between specific hours. You may be tempted to crack open the lap top after dinner or before bed but remember that in order to be productive, you need down time to relax unwind. Treat working from home just like working from work – arrive at a certain hour, give yourself the appropriate break and end on time.

All in all, whether you’re working from home, starting a business, studying, or need a spot for yourself, these guidelines will assist you in creating the space that’s perfect for your needs. Now, go get ‘em, tiger!

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