
Tips for Smooth Summer Travel

Travel can be unpredictable at best and downright maddening at times. Being prepared for any circumstance is essential for a smooth travel experience.
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Whether a quick trip stateside or a transcontinental journey, it’s important to pack an incredible amount of patience when traveling nowadays. From flight delays to passport confusion there’s always some tricky situation that needs navigating. But before you even leave home for your trip, let this guide help chart the best course for your next trip and be prepared for any eventuality.

It’s good to remember that there are very few things that can’t be purchased in your destination. If you remember your wallet, passport and phone (and any prescription medication) it’s likely that you’ll find a new toothbrush or even a Kindle if you forget something a little more non-essential.

That being said, if you don’t want to spend extra money due to forgetfulness or your travelling somewhere a bit more far flung, take the time to prepare a master packing list. Include everything you want or need for your travels down to the most inane things – figure out how many pairs of underpants you’ll need for the time you’re away from laundry facilities or how many lip balms you want in each bag. The more precise you are before you pack the less likely you’ll be to forget something. Everything gets checked off as bags get packed.

There are loads of great products that make packing much smoother including packing cubes. Consider also filling travel-sized containers with your favourite products to maximise space. And as someone who constantly appreciates being hydrated while traveling but hates paying for water, pack a reusable water bottle and fill it up after going through security at the airport. Most airports have water fountains or refillable water stations and you can even pick up a collapsible version that takes up less space.

Other essentials, especially for longer travel, include reading material, portable game consoles, snacks, a pair of compression socks, neck pillow and eye mask, and headphones with a jack that can be used with in-flight entertainment as well as a pair of noise cancelling headphones.

If your travel extends further than one of the destination cities currently servicing Bermuda make sure to give yourself plenty of time to ensure that any visas or travel requirements can be met in enough time. If possible for the type of passport your hold, apply for an ESTA for the United States to avoid any confusion around entry requirements to the US for Bermudians from other countries.

While Covid requirements have lessened, it’s important to take note of any vaccinations you may need for each country you visit, and, again give yourself enough time to get vaccinated as some need to be administered over a certain time period before you can enter the country. The IATA Travel Centre website is a great place to start to confirm passport, visa and health regulations for many countries.

Lastly, if extra assistance with your travel is important, having a knowledgeable travel agent in your corner can be helpful to guide through everything from entry requirements to the best activities to book in your destination.

But most importantly – go take in the sights and have fun while respecting cultural customs and learning about cultures from around the world.

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