Home & Living

Dealing With Pesky Pests

When the ants come marching in
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by Amoti Nyabongo

As we approach the mid-summer season and vacations, we are opening up our homes, apartments and condos to let the sunshine or fresh breezes in. The challenge is, living in a subtropical island, we are not alone. Since we don’t get to experience a full-blown winter season, with snow and freezing temperatures, we get to experience unwanted guests all year long. 

Unwanted guests, you ask? 

Yes, the insects and rodents that inhabit our island home – the ants, roaches (flying or not), spiders, centipedes, termites, mice, and rats. 

What constitutes a pest problem? 

The professionals I interviewed all agreed on this one question – it really depends on what an individual can tolerate. Seeing one ant wandering along the kitchen counter once a month may be too much for one person but not a major concern to another. 

What do I do if I see a Brown House Spider on my kitchen wall? 

First thing to note about these spiders is you don’t want to touch them or get close to them. You can use insecticide or use a vacuum cleaner to remove them. As a general rule, if you have spiders, the thing to note is there’s a food source nearby. Spiders eat other insects. 

How do I handle centipedes? 

The days when centipedes were mostly at the eastern end of the island are gone. Centipedes like damp and dark secluded areas to nest, so you need to do a comprehensive inspection inside and outside your house to ensure you don’t have any crevasses or entry points. If found, seal them up. 

If you have a garden, make sure to clean up any dead or decaying vegetation. Stephen Mayor; Director and Owner of Eco-Pest LTD, suggested a two tiered barrier approach to not just centipedes but most unwanted guests. “We have a granular and chemical treatment that we use around the base of the property. As insects traverse the barrier the treatment clings to them and they carry it to the respective nest, where either they or others consume the treatment and are neutralized.” 


As with centipedes, ensure that your window and doors are properly caulked. Justin Tavares of Bermuda Pest Control says, “If you have a garden or plants outside, remove any dying or decaying vegetation as it is a food source for most unwanted pests.” 

Most folks are aware that keeping your kitchen area clean is a must, but so is having the appropriate waste containers to keep refuse in until pickup day. Also, keep in mind that putting your trash out on the wrong day just creates a buffet meal for the rodent population! 

At what point do I need to tent my house? 

According to Justin Tavares, “When in doubt, you should call the experts,” because you will most likely not be able to determine the extent of the problem by yourself. 

“In some instances, you might just have one piece of infected furniture that is infested with termites or Powder Post Beatles,” says Stephen Mayor. “And if that’s the case, you can have that piece treated for a very reasonable price.” 

What is the best advice to newcomers to Bermuda? 

Since we live in a sub-tropical climate, it is important to be mindful that pests are going to be with us year-round. We can limit the risk by keeping our respective areas clean and clutter free, trimming back dying or dead vegetation, ensuring a good seal around our living spaces and by all means, ask questions regarding what you see. 

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