RG Scholarships

Help yourself and serve your community

Community service valued by scholarship committees
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Community service is a vital part of character development for young people. Community service nurtures vital traits like humility, kindness, compassion, accountability and social connectedness. And, we all benefit when a student develops a social conscience. 

This is why many scholarship committees value community service so highly. A scholarship winner who serves their community is more likely to shine a positive light on the selectors who rewarded him or her, than a winner who has never served. 

Students who plan on pursuing scholarships in Bermuda can greatly enhance their chances of landing one if they get into the community and serve as best they can. Two great organisations to volunteer for are Bermuda Is Love and Keep Bermuda Beautiful (KBB). 

Aaron Crichlow is a founder of Bermuda Is Love, and is enthusiastic about student volunteers. 

“Bermuda Is Love is a community organisation focused on building a community of love where everyones basic needs are secured. Our vision is a Bermuda where everyone recognises and acts on their duty to love and care for others. Our mission is to create a society where the basic material needs of all are met and guaranteed by law. 

“Effectively, we advocate for basic needs as human rights – the right to food, housing, clothing, healthcare, education, access to justice, and a healthy environment – through all of the events that we organise, with love as the grounding principle.” 

The ethos of duty and communal love are elite human values, and learning these well at a young age will invariably benefit the learner and the learner’s environment alike. Bermuda Is Love provides invaluable services to countless community entities, Mr Critchlow expounded: 

“Our community events include volunteering at housing shelters, feeding programmes and food pantries, community gardens, clothing drives, upcycling events, free clothing giveaways, blood drives, free health screenings and community clinics, trash cleanups, free legal advice clinics, a scholarship and mentorship programme, as well as a host of other events, workshops, panel discussions, and educational events.” 

Bermuda is Love is happy to provide character references for student volunteers, and can be found on their social media outlets – Instagram @bdaislove; X @bermudaislove; facebook: Bermuda Is Love; TikTok @ bermudaislove. They can also be contacted via email at [email protected], and by telephone on 732-1899. 

Keep Bermuda Beautiful (KBB) is an indispensable Bermudian institution. Their drive to present the very best of Bermuda is timeless, and their capacity to inspire Bermudians into action borders on legendary. Angel Smith is their executive director, and she encouraged all students to get involved. 

“We will always welcome students to engage in our clean-ups. Any student who wants to participate can find opportunities via our KBB website. 

“Another avenue is to apply to join KBB as an intern. Currently, we have three interns working for us as educators, clean-up leaders and social media coordinators. Any interested student should send us an email at [email protected]. We would love to hear from them.” 

As far as scholarship applications go, KBB will fully validate community engagement for students. 

“We can offer a certificate of appreciation and a community service hours sheet as a reference. It has been our privilege to work with students who consistently dedicate themselves to beautifying this island. Many students have even initiated their own clean-up programmes at their schools. At KBB, we recognise and celebrate this exceptional level of commitment.” 

Along with their education programme, the KBB intern scheme provides opportunities for students to serve Bermuda. Ashlee-Rose Wilson is a current education intern with KBB, and she swears by their commitment to improving Bermuda for generations to come. 

“I knew that KBB was a force for good in our community. I wanted to be a part of that. Bermuda is my home. It is a radiant jewel in a sparkling sea. I want it to stay that way. By first learning myself, and then educating others, I can help to keep our island beautiful. I have learned so much about protecting our land and ocean from litter. Now, I see things in the store differently. I shop differently. Education, learning, knowing, opens the doors to new opportunities. I am privileged to be a part of that for KBB.” 

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