Moving day can be so frantic you’ll have a hard job remembering where you packed the first aid kit, let alone the more serious tasks like calling Belco (or ordering the takeout from Pizza House).
To make the whole experience that little bit less stressful, here’s our moving house checklist.
Stock up beforehand
- Start saving cardboard boxes weeks in advance and bear in mind that, however many you’ve managed to collect, it won’t be enough. The kind folks at MarketPlace or Lindo’s always have piles of old boxes to dispose of, but in this case one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Resist the temptation to grab cardboard boxes that have been sitting outside in a winter storm.
- Recycle the bubble wrap that comes with your deliveries. It provides excellent protection for your cups and plates and can also keep the children entertained as you unpack everything at the end of a long day. If you don’t have bubble wrap, old newspapers are better than nothing.
- Marker pens. After a certain amount of time, every cardboard box looks the same – label each one clearly so you don’t end up opening three boxes of pots and pans when all you’re looking for is the Oreo cookies!
- Trash bags. There’s always more garbage than you expect as you clear out those wardrobes and cupboards you haven’t opened in years, from broken kettles to exercise equipment that’s gone rusty to unusual hats you bought in a moment of madness. If you’ve run out of cardboard boxes, trash bags can also double up as containers for clothes. Just make sure you don’t accidentally take them to Tynes Bay.
Notify services
- Call Belco, your internet provider, Bermuda Gas, Bermuda Waterworks and anyone else who provides services or regular deliveries. Make sure you’re all set up at your new place – and that you’re not still paying for services at your old place. The last thing you need after you’re finally got settled is to discover your Goslings wine delivery has been sent to the house you no longer live!
- Your driver’s licence, your bank, insurance company and doctor, as well as anybody who still sends you a paper bill, will also need to know you’ve changed your address.
- Provide the post office with a forwarding address and make doubly sure your mail stays safe by having a friendly word with your friendly Bermuda postman.
Be organised
- As you dismantle your furniture, put screws and bolts in labelled sandwich bags. Keep them safe in the glovebox of the car, along with paperwork, keys and other important personal items.
- Be prepared with extra lightbulbs and batteries of all shapes and sizes. You don’t know when you’re going to suddenly need them in the middle of the night.
Check and check again
- So you think everything is packed into the van? Think again. Did you look in the closet in the kids’ bedrooms? Did you check the washer and dryer? What about the garden shed and the cabinet in the bathroom? A quick sweep through the house, after everyone else has gone, will put your mind at rest.
Keep your helpers happy
- Carrying boxes and sweeping floors is hungry work for the family and friends who’ve given up their time to help you move. You’ll be too busy to cook and your kitchen isn’t ready for action yet – so grab a takeout from your favourite restaurant. It might be a big and expensive order but remember how much you’ve saved thanks to your friends giving up their time!
- Tip the removals team. They’ve earned it!
Sources include and