
Scholarships to transform lives

Scholarship availability is more important than ever, says new BFIS chairwoman
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“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” 

Shellé Thompson strongly believes this sentiment is part of the winning formula for her success. 

Ms Thompson was recently appointed chairwoman of the board of trustees for the Bermuda Foundation for Insurance Studies, an organisation which has had a huge impact on her life. 

“I have been associated with BFIS since 2000,” she explained. “I have been a scholar, mentee, mentor, intern, and then served on the mentorship and scholarship committee, became a board member and now I have the immense honour of being the chair of BFIS. 

“The BFIS model works. I encourage all students to take an active role and allow BFIS to help you go from the classroom to the boardroom.” 


Her aspirations of working in the insurance industry began when she was a student at the Berkeley Institute. After graduating from Bryant University, Ms Thompson started her career as an underwriting assistant at Allied World in the Professional Lines and Healthcare Departments. In 2023, she rejoined the Allied World team and she is now the Product Lead of the Bermuda Healthcare Division, where she is in charge of the healthcare team and responsible for the overall underwriting strategy and profitability of the company’s healthcare portfolio. 

“It’s very rewarding to rejoin the same team as the leader bringing back enhanced expertise from underwriting roles at other companies,” she said. 


Her hard work was ingrained from an early age: she followed an admirable example of work ethic from her grandparents and enjoyed “endless support” from her parents. The incredible people she has surrounded herself, she said, have been the greatest influence along her career path. 

“I had the most dynamic line of supporters that helped mould me and prepare me for all the opportunities that came my way,” she said. 

BFIS matched her with a mentor, Allison Towlson, early in her career. 

“I still remember some of the advice Allison gave me, and I have shared that advice with many other young professionals that I have mentored along the way,” she said. 

She has also appreciated the many inspirational women she has worked alongside, including Dr Crystal Clay, Diann White-Lindsay, Kirsten Beasley, Carla Greaves and Kim Wilkerson. 

“I have gained invaluable skills from these ladies and others who have helped shape my professional growth.” 


Now, as she navigates BFIS into the future, she can look back on all of those who have supported her and ensure that the same is available to the next generation of Bermudians wishing to enter the insurance industry. 

She hails the prior chairs, including most recently Stephen Jones, who for the past 27 years, have “done a remarkable job making BFIS a successful charitable organisation”. 

As BFIS approaches 30 years supporting students whose goals are to enter the insurance industry, she has a clear vision for the future, including expanding scholarship offerings to provide more funding to more deserving students. 

“Scholarships are not just about funding, they are about transforming lives,” she said. 

“The need for scholarships for Bermudian students continues to grow as more students face rising tuition costs and financial hardships. 

“As a community, we are fortunate to have so many corporations donate to various organisations such as BFIS and others to fund scholarships. 

“Many donors have been with BFIS since the beginning, and we are very grateful for their continued support and contributions. 

“While many companies donate, there is room to develop partnerships with new donors allowing BFIS and other organisations to award more scholarships to more students.” 


Her wealth of knowledge can be an inspiration for those students who are just beginning their scholarship journey. 

As students begin to send out applications, Ms Thompson said: “There are several scholarship and bursary opportunities out there for financial support for college students. Make sure you apply for everything you meet the criteria for. 

“There are also scholarships out there that are also specific to students based on financial need; be aware of you and your families’ financial circumstances and pick a school that fits within your budget.” 

When it comes to a successful scholarship application she advised: “Be organised. The documentation requirements needed to apply for a scholarship can be overwhelming. 

“Keep all your documents organised so that you have all the information handy when it is time to apply. Be prepared and practise going over generic interview questions. Don’t be afraid to ask for help – ask your family, other professionals, your schoolteachers and family friends to do mock interviews with you. 

“This will assist with you becoming comfortable talking about yourself and your achievements along with some prepared examples.” 

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