When to Take It Down?
Happy New Year! As the seasonal festivities draw to a close, the last of the Christmas dinner spread is heated, and life returns to normal, the question of when to take your Christmas tree down is one that draws debate.
Tradition vs practicality, real tree vs fake are all factors that weigh in on the argument, but there is no one opinion that crosses all boundaries – it’s really up to you.
Some people can be found packing it away on Boxing Day, others say definitely the 1st of January as we ring in the new year. Some observe the tradition of waiting twelve days after Christmas or the twelfth night which takes us to the 5th of January and ends with the Feast of the Epiphany. This, for many the definitive date and any time beyond signals bad luck to come.
Some of us simply can’t face the task so it changes every year, depending on motivation levels. Others leave their Christmas decorations up year-round for the sheer joy of them.
One of the loveliest things about Christmas is the keeping of traditions that involve your whole family, however customary. Pulling down your Christmas tree may be part of the pleasant rituals you undertake together at this time of year, carefully packing away your decorations for next year’s festivities.
What Happens to It?
You’ve spent many a good time next to a plant that now feels like family. Where is it carted off to once the tear-down ceremony is finished? Once you remove the tinsel, nails, and ornaments and place it outside on your scheduled day (see below), it is then composted to make fertilizer, according to gov.bm.
Your Christmas tree collection days:
EAST END: Collection Day
Wednesday, 17 January, 2019
Wednesday, 23 January, 2019
WEST END: Collection Day
Wednesday, 24 January, 2019
Wednesday 30 January, 2019
Can I compost my Christmas Tree?
Yes! Because the needles are slightly “rubbery” and tough, they’re quite resilient to the usual composting bacteria so take ages to break down, and the trunk can take even longer: cutting up the tree or, ideally, shredding it will help a lot. Otherwise, it could easily be next Christmas or the one after that before you start seeing any progress.
Myth buster: There is a misconception that composting pine needles will result in acidic compost. It’s not true, by the time the needles are composted they will have lost most of their acidic potency.
Composting your tree is great, but there are plenty of other creative ideas to keep that tree around for longer, get more use out of it and more for your money.
Wanna do your part for the environment this year or even just stretch your dollar on that ridiculously expensive sapling? Here are some other ways to recycle your Christmas tree.