by VEJAY STEEDE Herbal remedies have been used since the dawn of humanity. Every culture on earth has made use of the available flora and fauna to improve physical health, vitality, stamina and even emotional…
by BECKY EZEKIEL In recent years energy therapy has undergone a major rebrand. No longer are words like energy and vibrations reserved for the more mystical amongst us. Even Kim Kardashian is swapping her diamonds…
by Vejay Steede Bermuda’s relationship with music has always been quite delicate. Over the years, Bermudian artists have produced massive hits, sometimes internationally renowned pieces, but most of these masterpieces would fit better into musical…
by Vejay Steede Henry Liam Ward is an internationally acclaimed portrait artist who calls Bermuda home. His portrait of Her Royal Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II – which was commissioned by the Red Cross in 2015…
Latest major appointments in Bermuda business world by Annabel Cooper Natalie Chiaramonte has been appointed president of Sovereign Risk Insurance Ltd, succeeding Price Lowenstein, who is planning to retire from the company. Ms Chiaramonte was…
Premier David Burt: launched broadside on banks for soaring fees by Jonathan Kent Significant business developments that made the news in recent months: It’s been a lively period for the banking sector. In June, the…
Broad economic benefits from rising yields seen offsetting borrowers’ pain by Jonathan Kent Central banks are responding to high inflation by raising interest rates. While this time-honoured tactic is designed to cool overheating demand, the…