Medication regime, improved diet and available support helps Betty Lambert breathe easier by NADIA ARANDJELOVIC Betty Lambert has always been an extremely active person. In total, she’s competed in seven Bermuda Day Half Marathon Derbys…
OPEN AIRWAYS HAS BEEN HELPING BERMUDA BREATHE FOR 25 YEARS by Annabel Cooper Asthma is prolific throughout Bermuda and left untreated is a debilitating and life-threatening condition. The good news however is that it is…
by VEJAY STEEDE If Bermuda was a monarchy, Sir John Swan would be our King. 141 Front Street would be his castle, and the well-being of his subjects would be his number one priority by a mile!…
by KRYSTAL MCKENZIE The familiar expression, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants,” can almost be taken literally when we consider the major contributions of the Black tradesmen in Bermuda.…
by VEJAY STEEDE Staying in shape is hard work. Even professional athletes can sometimes struggle with maintaining fitness and discipline. For those of us who grew up loving food and preferring a more relaxing existence, fitness…
FOCUS AND MINDFULNESS HELP ACHIEVE NUTRITION SUCCESS by MELISSA FOX ‘Lose weight’ holds a prime position on New Year’s resolution lists and is almost always the first to fall by the wayside. If getting healthier…
by KRYSTAL MCKENZIE Yoga and Pilates have the same health benefits but are distinctive from each other. Everyone can benefit from regular stretching and core strengthening, and devotees of both these philosophies swear by their practice. …