by Vejay Steede Joy Barnum Joy’s truly effervescent spirit is reflected in her music and performances. She is a dearly loved local celebrity and a dynamic performer with a well-earned phalanx of committed fans. Joy…
Pandemic opens up new working model options for employers BY JONATHAN KENT The great work-from-home experiment forced upon many employers when the pandemic struck Bermuda in March 2020 will lead to changes likely to last…
‘Improved, more dynamic’ sector battles to navigate pandemic BY SAM STRANGEWAYS Retailers are hoping a busy December will “salvage” 2021 for them and set them on course for a more prosperous 2022. But they’ve learned…
Climate risk, cyber and ESG high on board agendas for 2022 BY JONATHAN KENT Amid the economic turmoil of the pandemic, Bermuda’s flagship international re/insurance industry has been an anchor of stability. Beyond just surviving…
Limited inventory of in-demand homes after spike in transactions during pandemic BY JONATHAN KENT The real estate market – particularly the residential luxury segment – is booming. But it is unlikely that this pace of…
St Regis success shows strength of island’s appeal as a destination BY ANNABEL COOPER The only thing certain about travel and tourism over the next 12 to 18 months is uncertainty. Bermuda’s tourism sector has…
More customers have adopted online services during pandemic BY ANNABEL COOPER With the move into prestigious Point House imminent, a growing number of digital options and products being rolled out, and a determined drive to…