More economic challenges ahead on rocky road to better times BY JONATHAN KENT Covid-19’s persistence scotched hopes of a strong economic rebound in 2021 and brought further misery for those involved in businesses that rely…
Canadian parent company sets sights on net-zero emissions BY SCOTT NEIL Bermuda could one day have its electricity needs supplied completely from renewable energy. That’s the goal of the Bermuda Electric Light Company Ltd, which…
How might a 15% global minimum tax rate impact Bermuda? BY JONATHAN KENT Bermuda is bracing itself for the uncertain impact of the global minimum tax (GMT), which is set to take effect by 2023.…
New bank aims to be catalyst for fintech sector growth BY JONATHAN KENT Bermuda’s progress in realising its ambition to become a global hub for digital-asset business has been limited up to now by the…
Read Your Way to a Healthier Life DONNA JANDA Some of us go our whole lives without ever reading food labels, others swear by them. Yet, there are some of us who would love to…
KRYSTAL MCKENZIE Dr Andrew Jamieson, through the Bermuda Diabetes Association, offers some interesting facts surrounding COVID-19 and diabetes. If you haven’t already investigated this, be encouraged that it’s manageable to live well despite the challenges…
IS IT POSSIBLE, AND HOW IS IT DONE? KRYSTAL MCKENZIE There are persons in our island home who are living their lives as best they know how while managing their Type 2 diabetes. While every…