Reglindis Rose Parker is in the process of obtaining a Doctorate degree in Family Nurse Practice at Southern Adventist University (SAU). She just started three months ago and we wanted to know more about her…
Some factors to consider By Sally Kane Becoming an attorney is an exciting and noble goal. Depending on what area…
Maya Palacio Maya Palacio and Tiffany Bean were the recipients of the 2018 Bank of Bermuda Foundation Chairman’s Award.…
By Monikah Schuschu If you’re a teenager today, chances are that you have an active presence on social media. Facebook…
(Scholarships winners 2018 – Front row, left to right: Lynsey Palmer, Khaya Bagley-Pearman, Zhiyah Woolfe, Eron Hill. Second row, left to right: Asha…
John Manchester We all think, right? After all, our minds are constantly filled with thoughts every waking moment. However,…